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Development initiatives

Often, success and Progress are often defined according to wealth, power, and social status. However, Councilor Neghesti believes that all people, regardless of their circumstances, have worth and dignity and have the potential to live out a creative, productive and valuable future.

Whether we are fully embracing the rapid changes of the 21st century, or whether we are struggling to just survive,
everyone has the same basic needs. The goal is to empower community members to enable them to generate sustainable income, to ultimately strengthen the overall capacity of the community in order to address health and social issues through equitable participation.

There are a number of ongoing development initiatives. Some are funded through the Kinondoni Municipal Council budget, while others are funded by Councilor Neghesti and other well-wishers.

Rain-water drainage:

While a large portion of Msasani situated on higher ground, and is composed of upmarket housing such as Oyster Bay and Masaki, an equally large portion of the ward is in flood prone areas; where the residents suffer from lack of proper rain-water drainage channels capable of discharging large volumes of water.

Adequate drainage systems play a significant role in sanitation and prevention of flooding related outbreaks such as cholera, dysentery and others, the detrimental impact of such conditions to the living, health and education standards of our children, our communities cannot be overstated and makes this one of the highest priority items.

Councilor Neghesti recognises this as one of the utmost urgent items to be addressed, he has already started construction in a few areas as displayed in the pictures below. However his own resources are limited and this is only a drop in the ocean. While the Municipality will eventually play its part, Councilor Neghesti is keen to collaborate with organisations and engage in projects that will develop the necessary water drainage solutions that will significantly reduce or remove this plight all together as soon as possible.

Public Schools renovation:

Councillor Neghesti is a strong believer in the importance of the public-school system and plans on working very hard and investing his efforts to support students, teachers and the entire pedagogy in improving learning outcomes in a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment that will stimulate their creativity and equip them with the necessary skill-sets to become more productive members of modern society.

The Ward has a total of 5 public primary schools, and 1 public secondary school. The Government has made great strides in constructing new classrooms, to accommodate the ever increasing number of yearly admissions. However some of the classrooms in these schools are in need of serious renovations, these include:

  • Replacing leaking roofing sheets and ceiling boards
  • Fixing crumbling concrete floors by ideally placing tiles as longer term solution
  • Install ceiling fans to reduce the heat in classrooms

Computer Labs in Public Schools:

As the world transforms towards a global digital village, a computer lab is proving to be an essential addition to every school to enhance the scientific, technological and innovation capacity of students. With a computer lab, students can learn programming, automation and to improve basic computer skills. That will help them later to define their career goals, entrepreneurship, and job opportunities.

For digital literacy and skills development, students need to practice. And to do that effectively they need a computer lab, with competent teachers.

Garbage bins across the Ward:

As a joint effort with all Local Government offices, we plan on installing up to 100 garbage bins across the Ward. These will be part of a sensitisation drive to curb littering and protect our environment.

Public Gardens with playgrounds:

We intend to develop a number of open spaces into public gardens, which will allow for the strengthening of social ties and build a greater feeling of community. These public gardens can help reduce crime, empower residents while providing green spaces where urban residents can reconnect with nature, play sports and other recreational opportunities. The development of these spaces will also increase property values and spur local economies.

Food Market renovation:

The food market in Bonde la Mpunga is the main market used by thousands every day, however it is dilapidated and unsafe for its users. The rehabilitation of the facility will provide access to more affordable food items, it will accommodate additional traders, who have been waiting for the opportunity, it will create more jobs and ultimately boost the local economy

Trees Planting

While trees provide great shade and are wonderful to look at, their importance stems far beyond beauty. The value and purpose of trees is enormous; and their existence is vital for our survival. Planting of trees is especially important to protect our environment against air pollution and global warming. We plan on planting at least 5,000 trees across the Msasani Ward which will further beautify the ward and contribute towards fighting the effects of climate change.

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